A Blast from the Past


We have missed you, dear friends, and we hope you will join us to see the new panels in the History Gallery, enjoy the “Windows in Time” displays, and re-visit your favorite exhibit! If you are a newcomer, we promise that the Old School History Museum is a “blast from the past,” as one travel magazine described us!

In August, the OSHM will partner with the Ocmulgee Archaeological Society to bring “Archaeology Day” with a focus on Native Americans. In preparation for that big event, now might be a good time to learn more about the Muscogee (Creek) Indians who once lived in this area. Women of all ages will be pleased to know that the Creek nation was a matrilineal society! Our History Gallery has artifacts and information on display, and your docent can give you even more details.

Remember that we welcome children of all ages and invite you to sit in the barber chair, run your fingers through the dried beans in the grocery store, play a game of checkers in Downtown Eatonton, and drink a “pretend” cherry coke in the drugstore! Our docents can even show you how “Soda Jerks” got their name!

If you are a sports fan, make time to visit the Sports Wall outside the historic classroom. Very few small towns can boast the number of championship teams and Hall of Fame members that Eatonton can claim!

Step back 100 years when you enter the Historic Classroom. Slide into an “inkwell” desk, then go into the cloakroom and see the vintage Eatonton/Putnam County trophies, both sports and literary! Ask your docent about the Memorial Book and the cemetery outside the window!

Just one more reminder…Father’s Day is fast approaching! What better gift could you offer than the gift of time with your dad, granddad, or favorite uncle? We will be open 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. on the Saturday before Father’s Day, and we do not charge admission…ever! We would love to help you celebrate your special guys at the Old School History Museum!
